

PolluteProtest is a 2 player competitive game, inspired by Breathe Project. One player plays as an activist and the other plays as an Industrialist.
The goal for the Industrialist is to build factories to make $200k whereas the goal for the Activist is to not let the air pollution value reach 60 by gaining more activists to protest and pass the legislations for setting restrictions to the Industrialist.

Project Length

2.5 weeks

Team Size


What I did

Transformational Theory

The players will build and protest actual factories and air polluters in the Allegheny County area to change their knowledge from thinking air pollution is an issue that doesn’t affect them to realizing the prevalence of air pollution and polluters in Pittsburgh, and the real life sources of air pollution around them, also changing their disposition from thinking that protesting pollution is an impossible task to thinking that they can have an effect on big corporations, to ultimately achieve the goal of teaching people that they can have an effect on the big corporations and polluters around them, and teaching them what an activist would do to have that effect.

Meaningful Iteration I made - 1


Meaningful Iteration I made - 2


Other Iterations